Not 2D Not 3D
香港大學建築系2015畢業設計作品三件 黎嘉聰 Lai Ka Chung Lawrence
Not 2D Not 3D
Lai Ka Chung Lawrence
本論文最初的啟發是源自建築師札哈‧哈蒂(Zaha Hadid)早期的繪圖理論「撤退回到二維表面」,而本論文的研究是基於「延遲,或將空間的設計不立即以三維形態呈現」,以二點五維立體浮雕技巧為主,做出全面探索,並以此作為設計的媒介,配合現今不同電腦設計技術及繪圖工具,對繪畫圖和建築設計之間的關係做出重新定義。
This thesis explores the relationship between Drawing and Architecture, the design media and representation between two-dimensional drawing and three-dimensional form and space. By investigating and integrating a set of developed techniques for 2.5 dimensional relief representation, the project targets the creation of an emergent public space which responds to the topographical terrain of the project’s context of the Hong Kong Visual Art Center in Hong Kong Park.
Inspired by Zaha Hadid’s theory of drawing early in her career:"The withdrawal back into the two dimensional surface." The design research of the thesis is based on a deferral to interpret everything immediately as a spatial representation, therefore to carry out a condition for the full exploration on the medium of relief representation and as a medium of invention.
The idea of relief representation for space in 2.5 dimensions sets up a contrast and ambiguous relationship to the fundamental role of two-dimensional drawings and three-dimensional models. An evident assumption of this thesis is how the tools we use during a design process to some extent predetermine the architectural outcome.