
無設限工作模式 Simone Bliss Landscape Architecture GREEN BUILDING 2020 JUN / JUL Vol.065
2196 2020-07-09
關鍵字 : 



Simone Bliss Landscape Architecture

無設限工作模式 帶來無限可能

受訪、圖片提供:Simone Bliss
【Simone Bliss Landscape Architecture】
Simone Bliss Landscape Architecture 在 2016年創立於澳洲墨爾本,業務項目包含景觀設計、城市設計、公共雕塑等。在此前,其創辦人Simone Bliss 從事景觀設計已有 12 個年頭,她思索著身為女性所受到的局限,嘗試在事業與育兒之間達到平衡,因而發展出了具有彈性的工作方式,甚至是改變了傳統職場上的上下關係,傾向於與夥伴平等互動。其團隊除了有許多遠距工作的經驗,亦租賃了共享空間讓成員們使用。
Would you describe the working status and mode of SBLA?
SBLA has a number of employees and contractor designers, illustrators, horticulturalists and industrial designers who are engaged to work on projects based on the brief of the project. We tailor our team to the project and vice versa.
Our way of practicing is based on a human centred approach. We select projects that are of interest to the SBLA team. My approach to design is that the best design outcomes are achieved when the team working on a project are actively engaged and feel listened to. This means that the teams needs are put at the forefront of our studio.
Kate Mccracken 設計師的居家工作室安排
職員 Haiku van Keuk居家工作模式
When you proposed to work from home, have you been challenged? if so in what aspects you were questioned and how did you overcome and adapt it?
We decided to start working from home as soon as COVID-19 was affecting Australia. Our systems and process is set up for remote working so for us it didn’t affect our process if we were all in one room or in many.
SBLA was setup to be fully functioning as both a remote and physical studio. I invested a substantial portion of time tailoring the process of design to this model.
It is liberating. Some people think better at 6 o’clock in the morning, others work best at 11 o’clock in the evening. I didn’t want a standard 9 to 5pm way of working to limit design thinking.
I also have young children and in order to run a successful studio, I and many staff needed fully flexible working arrangements. All staff members work part time to ensure that other pursuits or interests are equally incorporated into a working week.
How do you separate working space at home? How do you find a balance between work and life while working at home?
I don’t see the two as separate, each day is different as is each week.
There are no standard times for starting and completing work – as long as everyone works a typical amount of hours (in our case 7.5 hours a day) it is up to the individual to meet project requirements, communicate effectively with clients and be available for office meetings/design workshops.
In a nutshell to combine work and life - to make the two inseparable. As designers it is near impossible to switch of the design thinking around a project when you are passionate about it. If work thinking bleeds into lifestyle, then we believe the opposite should equally happen to create a balance.
與家中幼兒 Winona 和Margot 一起分享工作空間
Have teleworking (work from home) changed the team's communication/interaction with clients?
I don’t believe it changes our interaction with clients, CONVID-19 and remote working is forcing everyone to blur the boundaries between home and work. I find that clients are more willing to have daily conversations prior to discussing projects which in turn strengthens working relationships and provide subtle insights into expectations and personal circumstance.
We have been put to the test at this time as there are six people working on the documentation of one project. Slack and being able to notify one another when people are in or out of a file have aided in this process.
What kind of software that you use for teleworking (working from home)? What is each of those for?
The team utilizes slack for daily communication along with video conferencing technology and telephone calls. For communication we use slack, trello and zoom.
For file management all our files are on the dropbox and our folder system is tight and repetitive to aid in ease of locating files.
At the end of each day everyone outlines where they have got to with a task so that the task can be continued the following day. This is particularly useful if numerous people are working on the same project. We have a project manager, a team lead and the team on each project. If the project manager isn’t in and a project output is required then the team lead steps up to respond and then provide an update to the project manager upon their return to work the next day.
Please kindly show us that what sorts or means that you use for team building?
I don't believe we meet less when working remotely. I find that communication isn’t taken for granted and therefore there is actually more interaction.
We build time in our conversations and weekly catch ups for banter and to check in on how everyone’s week is.
Since SBLA has adapted WFH and many people have changed the way working, has the company affected by the COVID-19? Has it been easier or harder for SBLA during this moment?
We were very fortunate in the way that the shift to full remote working was seamless.
The sticking point is when projects are in construction and we are unable to visit a site or fly interstate. There has been an introduction of marking up of photos and drawings in perspective to encapsulate ideas/thoughts rather than via word or plan mark ups.
What methods can other companies apply from your experience of teleworking (working from home)?
● 明確的溝通與任務大綱
    Clear communication and task outline.
● 專案項目和相關資源的管理
    Management of project programs and associated
● 適合遠距工作及可靠的科技運用
    Technological use that is suitable for remote working.
● 對員工的信賴
Do you think that people will still continue working from home after the pandemic?
I hope for the better. I think profession wide clients and studio leads who were skeptical will see the opportunity in working from home, I hope that realistic programs and outputs will drive projects over pushing project teams to deliver outcomes that are unrealistic or put a lot of pressure on the individual.
I also believe that there will be less unnecessary travel for face to face meetings. I hope that gone are the days people fly to another capital city for a one hour meeting and that these can be completed remotely therefore providing more time for design and process.

2196 2020-07-09



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