打破固有模式 在家工作空間將大幅興起

WORKING FROM HOME 採訪Paul Barnett Design Group GREEN BUILDING 2020 JUN / JUL Vol.065
1860 2020-07-09
關鍵字 :  作品集成

設計總監 Paul Barnnet 與來自台灣設計學院的學子暢談設計思考與方法 。

採訪Paul Barnett Design Group

打破固有模式 在家工作空間將大幅興起

受訪、圖片提供:Paul Barnett
【Paul Barnett Design Group】
Paul Barnett Design Group 是一間位於澳洲坎培拉的建築設計公司,在業界擁有超過 25 年的豐富經驗。他們關心人、自然與建築如何結合與互動,善用蓄水設計(Waterharvesting)、親生物設計(biophilic design)以及生態院落的方式(Naturescapes)創建高效能建築(High Performance Building)。曾獲被動式節能房屋(Passiv Haus)、綠星(Green Star)、生態建築挑戰(Living Building Challenge)等獎項與指標的認證,無論在景觀、社區、住宅都有所貢獻。
Paul Barnett Design Group
To respond to the pandemic of COVID-19, we all have to make a work mode switch from office space to focusing on home space. What kind of adjustments did you make during this period?
We have ben doing government work and are considered essential services. We have set up home offices and have run our office from our work premises and at people homes. We keep our distance and follow the required handwashing and health requirements. We have keep in contact and work in the office several days a week.
What kind of problems do employees encounter while teleworking (work from home)?
We use a computer file share system and catch up several days a week at work to coordinate what we do.
Which software do you use for teleworking?
We use Zoom and OneDrive for sharing files.
How well do your co-workers accept teleworking (working from home)? What are their feelings about the change?
Our team is in the office at least 3 days a week so there is plenty of opportunity to communicate and coordinate out work.
How to manage the progress of work?
We have output requirements and we always meet our clients program needs. Everything is working well.
How about the work efficiency in teleworking?
Meeting on line has saved us time with reduced transport times. We get more done because we are traveling less.
How do you separate workspace from other living sections in a house?
We all have a designated home office so it was no problem.
In terms of operating costs, will working from home be more economical than working in the office?
No we have 2 workstation set up so there are additional hardware costs. But we already had some of these set up because 2 of our team were already doing some work at home.
Did the epidemic give you any inspiration? Do you think that people will still continue working from home after the pandemic? Will it change the work style of your company?
This has been a real opportunity to create a new work life balance where we adjust travel times and working times to suit our family and social needs.
This could simplify traffic congestion at peak hour, miminise travel with more meeting on line and create more harmony between work and home commitment just by enabling us all to be more flexible.
Public space, but now the epidemic forces us to be isolated, it has caused people to have some doubts about the role of public space. Will it affect your projects in the future? Are you inspired by the epidemic? How to create a community or a master planning that has both social space and individual space?
This is a philosophical as well as a practical question. My mother is elderly and currently misses the ability to hug her grandchildren. There has been an increase in anxiety as a result of isolation and media focus on the fear of the virus. There remains an essential physiological and emotional requirement to connect with our species. The reaction by the world authorities has been necessary to create a safe place for us all. Out if this may come a new awareness and ability to manage our safe living environment and our welfare and at the same time the enrichment of human experience.
We already work on natural playscape that create both private and social space. This dynamic has always been with us. We just have not been conscious of our desire to socialise and to be in ones own space depending on who we are, our phase in life and our current life experience. I believe we will design more consciously about individual and group scope or habitats. Our consciousness has been changed and we will not return to unconsciousness completely.
Each time a new virus occurs within our 6 billion plus population will bring a response from a slightly altered state of consciousness. It has seen the emergence of more interest in growing your own food, the value of intimacy, the way we pollute the earth because we can see how clean it is when we don’t burn so many fossil fuels. I feel this is a possibility never before seen in my lifetime. To create a new social structure centered around community, family , home, and our work. To decentralize our focus form the city, to simply environments so that suburbs and communities become alive with social and cross generational mix rather than grouping people in childcare, elderly peoples homes an separating work and home community so that we have a dead office on weekend and an empty suburb during the week.
Many thing are happening in our consciousness. The challenges is to ensure they become a creative response of possibility for humanity , nature and the planet. I remain inspired and filled with creative possibility.

1860 2020-07-09



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